Treatments for kidney failure: what are the options?

Kidney Failure


The kidneys are organs of utmost importance to our body.They are responsible for filtering our blood, eliminating toxins, and for
controlling the chemical and liquid balance in our body. When something does
not go well, a condition of kidney failure can occur, and there are some types
of treatment that can be recommended by the best nephrologistin Delhi in this case. 

These measures aim to slow the progression of the diseaseand promote more quality of life for patients suffering from loss of renal
function. In this post, you will know a little more about each of them. Keep
reading to find out. 

What is kidney failure? 

Among several other functions, the kidneys are veryimportant to ensure the maintenance of health and well-being. This is because
they act on the elimination of toxins and in controlling the chemical balance
of our body. 

But sometimes – and for various reasons – they can presentproblems in the operation and even stop working. That's what kidney failure is
called. When a patient receives this diagnosis, he/she needs to do a thorough
follow-up with the best kidney specialist in Delhi to keep his health up to his/her. 

Meet 4 treatments for loss of kidney function 

There are several renal failure treatments in Delhi. Initially,conservative treatment may be indicated, but with disease progression,
therapies that replace kidney function may be necessary – such as hemodialysis,
peritoneal dialysis, and transplantation. 

If you suffer from kidney failure, it is very important todiscuss the therapies available with your doctor for kidney in Delhi.But in to get you familiar with them, we've prepared the main information on
the subject. 

1. Renal conservative treatment 

Conservative renal treatment is one in which clinicalmeasures are adopted to slow progression and prevent complications caused by
kidney disease. 

It is done through medication adjustment, control ofsymptoms of loss of renal function, adequacy of the diet and general guidelines
on the disease. 

2. Hemodialysis 

With the evolution of the disease, the kidneys can start tofunction very little, and it is necessary to start a renal replacement therapy.
Hemodialysis offers this possibility to the patient, after all, it is a
periodic procedure in which blood is filtered by means of a machine. 

The indications for hemodialysis are done individually andtake into account the patient's needs. Usually, the dialysis in Delhiis done in clinics specialized in nephrology, three times a week, with sessions
of four hours of duration. 

How is blood filtering done? 

For hemodialysis to be performed, it is necessary to enablea vascular access, which can be a catheter or a fistula (native or with

Catheter: tube placed in a vein in the neck, chest orgroin. It has two pathways that allow the exit and return of blood. 

Fistula: junction of an artery with a vein, arm orleg. Two needle sticks are required to favor the flow of blood inflow and

The blood is led to the hemodialysis machine through thearterial line, passes through a dialysator – also known as a dialysis filter –
and the toxins and liquids that were excess in the body are removed. Then it is
returned to the patient by the venous line. 

3. Peritoneal dialysis 

Peritoneal dialysis is also a modality of renal functionreplacement therapy, however, it is completely different from hemodialysis. 

In peritoneal dialysis, there is no need to puncture veinsor arteries. As the name implies, the filtration of blood is done through the
peritonium – a membrane that covers the abdominal organs and functions as a
filter. Thus, blood is filtered within the body itself and it is not necessary
to use the hemodialysis machine. 

In the case of peritoneal dialysis, a catheter is implantedin the abdominal cavity. Through this catheter, a dialysis solution is infused,
which remains in the cavity for a while, removing substances and liquids that
will be subsequently drained. 

There are two types of peritoneal dialysis: 

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PACD) 

Also known as manual peritoneal dialysis, this techniqueoccurs when the changes of the dialysis solution are made by the patient
himself or by a family member. 

Automated peritoneal dialysis (DPA) 

In DPA, a machine called a cycling machine is used. Thisequipment makes the infusion and drainage of the dialysis solution in an
automated way. 

To define the ideal form of peritoneal dialysis, it isnecessary to analyze the patient's profile and whether he will have the support
of family members or caregivers to make these exchanges. It is also important
that tests be performed to highlight the best technique to be followed. 

4. Kidney transplantation 

Kidney transplant inDelhi, characterized by the donation of a kidney, is one of themost complete treatment modalities for renal replacement. Such donation is
regulated by law and can be made by a living donor, with kinship up to 4th
degree; or after the death of a compatible donor, with no degree of kinship. 

Even though it is a good treatment option for patients withrenal failure, there are some considerations that should be observed before
kidney transplantation is indicated. Unfortunately, not all patients with loss
of kidney function may undergo this procedure. 

The impediment can happen due to clinical or social issues,and it is up to the physician responsible for the patient to consider what are
the risks involved in this treatment modality, to the detriment of dialysis. 

It is important to know that transplantation does notrepresent the cure of the disease. It's a treatment modality. 

How is a kidney transplant done? 

In transplantation, the donor kidney is implanted in thepatient's abdominal cavity and begins to perform the function of filtration and
elimination of liquids and toxins. It is usually not necessary to remove the
native kidneys during kidney transplantation. 

Post-operative care of kidney transplantation should befollowed with great caution. A drug treatment with immunosuppressants is
instituted, which aims to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted

Although these medications are fundamental for treatment,they also make the patient more susceptible to infections. Therefore, it is
necessary to be careful with the health and the precautions indicated by the kidneytransplant doctor in Delhi afterthe kidney transplant inDelhi

What is the best treatment for kidney failure? 

The best form of treatment for kidney failure should beindicated by your trusted kidney specialist in Delhi.Regardless of the modality chosen, the important thing is to remember that
there is treatment for kidney disease. 

It is possible to live with quality of life and well-being;just know your condition, know which therapies are available and, mainly, make
the correct control of the disease.